Sunday, February 27, 2011

All sectors are a go!

"Dear nabbs,

We can change your order from oriental skin Bernard to fresh skin Saint. The order form cannot be revised as it was automatically generated with your initial order. But we have made a note of the changes on the form we use to process the orders so please rest assured. We will do our utmost to ensure that you receive a beautiful doll. Thank you for your interest in DollShe craft.

Have a nice day.

Sincerely yours,
DollShe craft"

In a number of months I will have a lovely ronin, Jin, in the house. Yay! :) 


Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Well I have a dilemma. I just realized a Saint would be the absolute perfect sculpt/body for Jin from Samurai Champloo. Google it if you must, but the calm, confident smoldering gaze and lovely slanted cheekbones & chin are almost identical.

Option #1: Request Dollshe to change my order from a Bernard to a Saint. I'm pretty sure it's possible since I'm so far down the list, but I've had the Bernard's character in my head for several years and I don't really want to give Isidore up.

Option #2: Paint and sell two Notdoll heads, and on one with the body I could try my hand at sanding/blushing the body and whip up a quick outfit for a kind of OOAK type thing, and try to sell her on eBay. Then with that money try and buy a Saint secondhand, but then he will not be half off the original price. ;n;

Also, puppy update time! His teeth have been coming in for a little while, and he can eat food on his own! The first full night's sleep I got after getting him was the best sleep EVER.

Monday, February 21, 2011

It's official!

Just placed my order at Notdoll Lab before I ate dinner. I chose Ligaya, Belladonna & Argeia. The deal was way too good to pass up, and I plan to do the faceup for all of them, and sell the two which I'm least in love with which will be difficult, but I originally liked Ligaya the most. We'll see after she (they?) arrive. I have no character for her, but she will be more in scale with my Bernard. Speaking of him, I bet my big lady will be here before he does. XD

Woe is meeeeeee

Why oh why would NDLC have an awesome discount after I told myself I wouldn't buy one since they are discontinued, but now they're at like half off with a body, three heads, and free shipping?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Short Hiatus

(Not that anybody reads this, but I thought I'd share)

I am fostering a three week old puppy which means very frequent bottle feeding sessions, so I am going to be exhausted and busy for the next several weeks. ;n; I will update when I can, but that probably won't happen very much.

He is adorable, though, so I'll try to get a decent photo at some point. Thankfully I've found him a good home whenever he is weaned, so there is a light at the end of the sleep-deprived tunnel! XD

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

This is hopeless

I have no printer so I have to try and sketch patterns in the right scale which so far has not worked out. It also sucks because I have no idea where all my pins are, as well as my seam ripper, and having an iron to press everything would be helpful. I also don't have buttons, snaps, or velcro to finish anything with.

This is why doll clothes are expensive gahhhhhhh D:<

Monday, February 7, 2011


Found a wig that is pretty similar to what I am looking for. :) Now if only my school refund would hurry up...

We're supposed to be getting more bad weather too, so I might try my hand at a bit more sewing sometimes this week.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


I watched Sleepy Hollow again last night, and man I love that movie. I love the atmosphere, I love the costumes, I love the story, the list goes on. I also love that it's inspired me a bit more for my future Bernard's character [Fully name: Isidore Toklas Bellevue].

I knew that I wanted him to be a jack of all trades with bits of a tailor thrown in, but I would also like him to be an inventor and perhaps help out at an apothecary. I also plan on making him a billion different waistcoats :3

And oh the songs I could sing of my love for Christina Ricci. I love her as a blond in the movie, and I've pretty much decided to get Felicity a blond mohair wig.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Getting tired of ice

Shoveling snow is fine, but trying to dig vehicles out of ice is not fun. Again no work or class, but had to run errands. I just had a quick look at some pants patterns to try and figure some things out. Also trying to understand sleeve attachment, since I seem to have had some trouble with that as well. XD My printer also died so I can't print out patterns, but I might try to sketch some out in the approximate size. I'll post pictures if I make anything decent. We shall see. Also, waaaaaaiting for my Bernard to arrive. It's tough.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I have no idea how to make pants, or rather a pattern for pants XD And yeah, that's supposed to be the back. Oh goodness.

For the top I used a pattern from Undead Threads which turned out okay, but I thought I could just cut out sleeves all willy nilly and it would work out. No. Connecting tiny doll sleeves to the main part of the shirt shouldn't be so difficult, so it just kinda turned out like she has long arm warmers with a sleeveless shirt XD

In general I think I just didn't take into account the seam allowance, a small measurement means a lot when the pieces are already small. I wanted the pants to be rather big and wide legged, but the fit turned out like bootcut jeans. At least I learned some stuff on a not so serious piece, I'm just getting back into the swing of sewing so I'm not worried. The bobbin had black thread while my spool had ivory. XD Yeah, not making anything super professional yet. Live and learrrrrn.


Yes, that warranted all capital letters. I was so frustrated with my machine yesterday and disappointed that I couldn't figure it out. Well now I have all day to sew since campus is closed again and my work called since they're closing early. Woohoo!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Apparently it's been so long since I've used my machine (years) that I can't remember how exactly to thread it and the bobbin thingy, and I can't get it quite right. Where is you mom when you need her, hmm? Gah stupid snowstorm, I just wanted to make a simple pierrot outfit, but that isn't going to happen today. :(