Thursday, August 11, 2022

My new doll arrived!

 He is beautiful and my terrible indoor photos do not show how gorgeous his skin is. I recreated his box opening; he originally had bubble wrap around is head. I also bought my girl another pair of hands, but was so disappointed that they didn't fit AND that she has yellowed so severely that the match is way off (although I don't think my camera picked up on how different the colors are). 

The hands on the far left are the ones he came with. The ones on the right I ordered separately. I don't think I could find which hands he would come with before I ordered him.

On the left is the tan skin, and on the right is the normal Fairyland skin from the hands I ordered at the same time.

Some seam lines, but nothing terrible. He also has a bit on his shoulders that are not very noticeable.

The wig from Leekeworld 7-8 was WAY too big which is sad because it's beautiful otherwise.

On the left is normal Fairyland resin from my order, and on the right is Felicty's hand. In real life it is MUCH more yellow and darker which is so sad, and also doesn't fit onto her body.

I was interested to see that his feet are more detailed. I also didn't realize that the new bodies have magnetic feet which is awesome!! Felicity has magnetic hands, but her feet are strung on.

I found a wig that I didn't use for Felicity that fits. For reference he is lovely with brown hair, but I foresee him with black hair and green/hazel eyes. I'm so excited to develop his character!

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Whoops I bought a doll

 So last week I put in an order at DDE for a tan mnf Shiwoo and I'm so excited!! I also purchased him a lovely wavy Leekeworld wig. The character in my head has a chance to be brought to life. Today I'm also going to purchase new faceup supplies (since mine are probably 10 years old) and want to do new faces on all of my other dolls and I'm so excited!

Monday, May 16, 2022

Getting another doll (probably!)

One of the first things I did after getting back into the hobby was looking for a Minifee Shiwoo to embody a character I've had in my head for years. I did a bit of research on DoA and found out they were discontinued (along with MANY other sculpts that I liked). I was super bummed but figured I would check out the marketplace every once in a while. Well, somebody replied and let me know that the Shiwoo sculpt is back for the "lookback" series from Fairyland!! I am so excited!! I need to hurry up and figure out exactly what I'm going to get while he's still available, but I would LOVE to have him in tan.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Hello again!

 I've been away from the doll hobby for many years, but have recently found the time and energy to get going again. I've dug out my sewing machine and am excited to start creating again. <3